Tuesday 4 May 2010

Hello and welcome!

This is my brand spanking new blog! I've never done this before so expect lots of mistakes!
Licking metal comes from my beautiful little autistic son Dexter who licks metal - taps, sinks, door handles, cooker knobs etc... He also licks wood (licking wood didn't sound right ahem!) and plastic and carpets and walls and sometimes people! Well, that's the title explained and I must dash as it's that time when I round up the sheep - I mean kids and attempt to get them into pyjamas, drink their milk and get to bed!


  1. woohoo! Bring it on, can't wait to read more! In 3 years time I bet there will be a film based on your life and the tales you tell in this blog!

    Love you! xxxxxx

  2. Welcome to blogland! Can't wait to read more! Oh, if you want to make your blog cute, go to www.thecutestblogontheblock.com they have free backgrounds and it is the easiest thing in the world to do! I use it, and if I can, anyone can!
